For those of you who do not know, my dear sweet wife is an amazing cook. Besides a couple of minor lapses of judgment when we were engaged involving the 5-second rule and food that ended up on my plate, she has proven to me that she can prepare and serve a mean meal.
Lately, that has become ever so much more apparent. Ever since she quit working and went back to school full-time (something she hasn't done since high school), she has been trying to fill her time with productive activities. This last couple of weeks she has decided to make cooking her new hobby. I say cooking, but I really mean "everything that can possibly be done in the kitchen," including baking, broiling, etc.
Of course, my initial impression was the same as that of any other husband who ever finds himself so lucky as to be present during his wife's development into a domestic goddess: I was very happy. It all began with her searching for "yummy" recipes online, then it snowballed into the purchase of five more cook-books (including one that apparently had sentimental value), along with the ingredients to make enough food to feed the two of us for approximately 2 months with just the desserts alone.

As you can see from the diagram above, "Fats, Oils & Sweets" are in the smallest part of the food pyramid. They are also the principal ingredients in any dessert with any detectable level of tastiness. And even though the argument could be made that cookies contain grains, which are in the biggest part of the food group, let's face it - desserts are not a health food. Unfortunately. I have also found out that too many desserts at once are not so good for the digestive system...Oh well, I won't be making that mistake again (who are we kidding, of course I will).
The most impressive thing about this is that Brittan has never, in the two-and-a-half years we have been married, been on a cooking spree like this before. I emphasize the "like this," because she has, as I mentioned before, always been an excellent cook and has made some of the most delectable food creations to ever grace my tongue. But before, we always had time to finish the leftovers from the previous creation well before the next one was made. This time, she has too many ideas she wants to try to give me time to finish the leftovers. Appetizers, entrees, desserts - you name it, we have plenty of them, or the ingredients to make some more, or both.
So, this leads me to the big question: is there anybody that needs dinner plans? We've got plenty to go around!
Hey I'm always up for some good dinner ideas! I bet Bryce would LOVE it too.
That sounds like a predicament that most husbands would love to find themselves in.
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