Thursday, December 4, 2008


This is probably just the dork in me that wants the world to know this, but I would like all of you Mozilla Users to know that I have fixed the HTML in our blog so that it now functions properly in Mozilla.  I have now accessed our blog in Internet Explorer, Safari, Mozilla and Google Chrome (my browser of choice) without any problems.  I know what you're thinking - "Why in the world would you have all of those browsers on your computer?"  Well, the truth is even I don't know the answer to that one.  The only two internet browsers that I use on a regular basis are Internet Explorer - for Microsoft-specific sites which Microsoft annoyingly limits in any other browser - and Google Chrome - which has, in the few short months I have used, quickly become my favorite internet browser of all time.  Google Chrome takes all of the good things from Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari and then takes them to the next level, for a quicker, easier surfing experience....And I'm not even getting paid to say this...Shoot.

Well I guess now I've said enough about internet browsers for you all to think I am a dork.  I dare any one of you to estimate the number of things you can't imagine doing without the internet, and then reconsider this thought.


Erin Brady said...

I'm really glad that you fixed your blog. It was driving me crazy, especially since all I have is Mozilla. Cute picture of you and Brittan!

Unknown said...

WOOOOHOOO! It works!

I might have to try Chrome one day. I hear nothing but good things about it. I never like IE. For a web designer its a nightmare to code for. A site can be perfect in every browser and look horrible in IE. *grumbles*

I must be just as dorky for thinking this update was awesome. /nerd